Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Message From A Strong Place

Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south? / Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high? / She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the strong place.” 

Rough spot. At a crossroad, trying to be wise. Filled with doubt. Many questions, no answers. Spirit wounded but know that it is I who must heal myself. 

Got up and was compelled to go on a spontaneous midweek run through the college campus. As I neared the field where I usually stop and focus on gratitude I came upon a red tailed hawk having his breakfast. He allowed me to walk right up to him, looked me in the eye, cocked his head with a grin  and then continued on about his business. It was a rare sight - just me and the hawk. Seeing as how I have had all sorts of unusual animal encounters that almost always speak to me I wondered about this one. And here is what I found...

The red tailed hawk carries the roll of visionary and messenger. This honorable totem brings the lesson of discovering dormant abilities and helps us to see the big picture. It is a symbol of illumination and peace. This special friend offers a path to channel direct contact with hidden wisdoms and insights. It further teaches us to be very observant of these insights and wisdom, the treasures offered by Red Tailed are sacred and of a higher calling. We are asked to show precision and a sharp mind in our hunt for wisdom along our path. When the Red Hawk Soul is then operating from such Higher Intent, these are the natural born investigators, psychics, attorneys and observers that deploy their acumen for insight and direct speech in a constructive, rather than destructive, manner

Red Tailed Hawk’s Power is further represented by the beautiful red color that comes with maturity. This is our reminder that wisdom takes time and is not something that is given, the wisdom of Red Tailed Hawk is something that must be earned. Red represents Power, Energy, and the Kundalini. The Kundalini is the Force that directs the flow of all other energy fields within the physical body. This Force lies dormant within each of us when we take up the ~Robe of Physical Life, and is thought to lie coiled at the ~base chakra~ (located near the base of the spine) and referred to as the ~Serpent Power. ~ There the Power lies sleeping until it is awakened via the Soul who begins the journey on the road of spiritual discovery and who is consciously acknowledging and incorporating their Life Lessons.

Red Tailed Hawk will soar beside the Two-Legged whose own gift of psychic vision may be exceptionally acute. This may take the form of precognitive dreams and/or ~visions~ during which these souls are quite literally able to "see the future."

If the gift of vision is not present from birth, then there will exist within the Red Hawk soul, the ability to pierce the veil that separates falsehood from truth. They will also possess an intensive gaze that can leave those who might find themselves the object of such a gaze, squirming under the penetrating stare.

Equally, Red Tailed Hawk individual, will have the ability to view the broad picture, in much the same fashion that a Hawk can gain a wide view of their surroundings while soaring on the unseen currents of wind as they ride the sky. The human counterpart will be a believer in the philosophy that all things happen for a reason, and it will be this awareness of the ~Big Picture, ~ that will assist both themselves, and those whom they share their gift of keen insight with, through many a difficult time.

In the following quote, Chief Seattle eloquently expresses the concept of Guardianship. "What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.

You must teach the children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of your grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother.

Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know, the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth.“ ~Chief Seattle~

Red Tailed Hawk Affirmation Card: I am healed and empowered through my visions. My life moves forward.

In the Celtic tradition Hawk empowers a person to seek out their ancestral roots and to examine in depth that which is positive so that it may be integrated into the person's life and that, which is limiting so it can be released. Tradition is only worth honoring when it supports joy and fulfillment in one's life! In this tradition Hawk also supports the solar side as stated above, helping a person to move forward in life and to seek out great quests to embark upon.

In the Egyptian Tradition Hawk was associated with Magic and shape shifting. Isis is said to have shape shifted into a Hawk to save Osiris. Horus also carried Hawk medicine which allowed him to see the "unseeable".

Among Native American traditions, Hawk served the role of Mercury, bringer of messages and portents of change. Hawk reminded the people they needed to be awake and aware.

As we each strive to grow and change in new directions, we are reminded of the lesson of the many spokes on the wheel of Life. Each of us will stand on every spoke of the Medicine Wheel. At some time or other we will all walk on similar trails through the forest. The time for hierarchy is over; every man, woman, and child on this planet is a Medicine Person. It makes no difference who or what we are, what training we have had, or what race we come from. If we would all use our healing abilities to heal the inner conflicts in our lives, we would have the right to use that Medicine to assist others. All humans have been given the mission of healing him or her self. The inner peace of self-healing can restore our Sacred Space and that of All Our Relations. In accomplishing this common goal we will bring world peace into reality.

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